Thursday, March 18, 2010

Afternoon Delight

PJ had a play date this afternoon and I had two hours to myself. How did I spend two whole blissful hours alone? Visions of a long bath or a good book or some shopping did float through my mind – but in the real world I ended up having a conference call with my boss, vacuuming my house, and doing about a weeks worth of baby dishes that were piled next to my kitchen sink. How did I feel afterwards? Strangely refreshed and rejuvenated! I am a busy Mom and time to myself is at a premium. I never would have thought I'd spend any stolen moments cleaning – but these days some simple cleaning in a dead quiet house seems like a treat. Even though I only got through baby dishes and have more in the queue, I got a real sense of accomplishment for making a dent in my to do list.

It is a busy world and we Moms juggle a lot. Sure, a spa day now and again is nice, but I think it pretty great that we can find a bit of peace in the ordinary to refresh us and give us the energy to get back to the messy life of raising kids.

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