Monday, May 30, 2011

Still don't feel "parent-y"

We just moved to a new house and we've found ourselves smack in the middle of a GREAT block with a lot of families and kids in almost every house, we feel very lucky to have found a place where we can really see our daughter growing up.  So for the first time I am hanging with a group of Moms, Dads, and kids that range in age from 1 to 13.  A few days ago our 4 year old neighbor came into our house for a playdate with my 2 year old, and I was struck with a sudden insecurity.  What do I know about a four year old?  What is appropriate?  Do I need to make up some rules? What do I do if she breaks them?  Auuggghh!!  I am not old enough for this - I can't be responsible for children!!  Babies - OK.  Children - Yikes!!  Isn't there another adult in the room?
How can it be that I am almost 40, yet I don't feel old enough to be the adult responsible for a group of kids?  I am the youngest in my family - so I grew up without really being around kids younger than me.  Growing up I babysat a ton, and was a nanny for a few years during college - so when I was younger I had no problem taking care of kids.  Maybe as I've gotten older and wiser I've learned the myriad of ways you can mess kids each interaction takes on a larger perspective?  Maybe as I've figured out just how much I don't know I've gotten less confident in my actual knowledge?
Whatever the cause, I somehow don't feel the parent role beyond being the mother of my daughter (which comes very naturally to me).  I know I can take care of kids and I am responsible, vigilant, and capable...but I don't feel the part of the "adult".  You know...the old person in the room with the eyes in the back of their head ready to bust you for any infraction.  I am sure kids see my age and would give me that authority and respect if I needed to command it....but I just still feel so young.  Does everyone?

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Why can't I find the time to Blog?

I love to write, and I have plenty of witty and interesting things to say about being a Mom and trying to figure out this whole parenting gig (really), and I love to puruse other mommy bloggers out there.....but I just can't seem to find the time to get my views down on (virtual) paper, much less out there into the world.  As I browse some of my favorite mom blogs I marvel at how and when they manage to catalog the chaos and hilarity of their lives while simultaneously living them.  The other day when reading the bio of one of my favs it hit me.  I'm OLD!!!
I think one of the biggest blocks to me finding time to blog is that the computer is not engrained into my world the way it is for someone even 5 or 6 years younger than me.  Sure, I have used a computer as long as I can remember, but the computer still feels like a work tool to me, and all it's wonderful forms of electronic communication are still sort of secondary to a good old fashioned phone call or meeting for coffee.
It is crazy to think about (since I feel so young) the fact that when I graduated from college email was something the nerdy kids went to the computer lab to access.  The internet was just being invented.  I grew up using a computer to replace a typewriter and calculator....not a phone or photo album (or friends)....and certainly not to publish your diary to the world. 
In my life finding time to sit at my computer is a work task that most often falls too low on the priority list to get done on a daily basis.  I think most young people today have a different relationship with their laptop and it feels more a tool that is beside them to help them through the day...instead of a distraction only to be used when everything else is done.
I think it is time for a new outlook!!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Winter body blues...or delayed postpartum body issues!

I have to admit, one of my favorite things about EBF was the result that it had on my body.  Basically for 2 years after my daughter was born I ate what I wanted, exercised sporadically, and ended up weighing less than I had in my whole adult life.  We are talking college weight - and I am almost 40!!
I knew in my head while this was going on that I needed to reign myself in.  I needed to start eating better, I needed to exercise.  I was "skinny flabby", I was wearing smaller and smaller sizes but I wasn't strong and I wasn't in shape - it wasn't pretty.  I allowed myself to get excited about the numbers on the scale and the baggy clothes and to feel like one of those girls who say "I just have a naturally high metabolism".   When in reality I have always been the opposite, I have to work out a lot to maintain a weight that I like and I have always felt I wanted to lose just 5 more pounds.
Well, my world of denial came crashing down hard this winter.  I moved from sunny Southern California where we lived in a small town and I walked almost everywhere (pushing a Bob stroller), to Oregon at the beginning of the long, cold, grey, rainy winter.  We dove right into the stress of house hunting, finding new childcare, meeting new people, and everything that comes with relocating right at the most tempting time of year...the holidays!
I had lived in Oregon before and knew it would be a challenge to be active in the winter, so as an incentive for me to work at keeping my new weight I gave away all of my clothes that were too big. I had been a size X for a long time, now I was easily in a size X-1 and was envisioning moving to anything that was size X didn't get packed to make the trip.  I continued to enjoy the effect breastfeeding burning extra calories, and I always meant to start a regular exercise routine, but with a demanding toddler, a husband, and a work-from-home part-time job I never felt I could justify taking the time.
We each had a suitcase in Oregon for the time we would be house hunting, those clothes slowly started getting snug through the winter, but it didn't really hit me for a while.  Then, we bought and moved into our new house, we weaned our 2.5 year old daughter, and I finally unpacked all the clothes I had been longing for after 6 months with 3 pairs of pants and 6 shirts.  Well...NOTHING fits!!!  I can hardly get into any of my clothes, I have to totally sausage my legs into all my beloved designer jeans and the muffin top is unbearable.  Only one pair of pants, that I almost gave away but felt nostalgic about for some reason, fits well enough for me to want to wear in public - but they are far from comfortable, and the fact that they were super big on me 6 months ago makes me feel awful every time I suck it in to get them buttoned.
Ugh!  I'm fat and out of shape.  I feel like I have a six month old instead of a toddler.  I am at the point where I have to buy some new clothes or do a crash diet to get a jump start on some weight loss so I can wear at least 2 pairs of my pants.  My weight is not is basically right at what my adult normal weight had been for all my years when I was in full swing with my career.  But it isn't where I am happy, it is where I feel just a smidge of discontent but not enough to push me away from the 10pm bowl of lucky charms before bed.  Now, however, after finally (finally!) getting to the numbers I wanted on the scale and chucking all my "fat" clothes I feel a huge sense of disappointment in myself.  Why am I always a "reactor"?  Why couldn't I have made smarter food choices and gotten myself to the gym when I only needed to maintain a weight that I loved?  Instead I stuck my head in the sand and ignored the signs along the way and ate my way out of all my clothes. what?  Diet and work out like a maniac and try to attain that "happy weight" again?  Or eat right and exercise enough and let my body find it's new normal...even if it means buying a few size X clothes again?
Honestly...I don't want to do either...I want to go back to nursing my daughter!